Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bon Voyage!

We're off and running! Randy, Jillian's dad, picked us up, Jenn was ready and Jillian was making her final touches (this kind of beauty takes time!)  In true Randy form, he gave advice, like reminding us to make sure we try French toast, French fries and especially the spaghetti near the Eiffel Tower! Love him! Now we're waiting to board.....we've got a Janet Jackson look-a-like (from Poetic Justice-- half top, braids and all!), then there's then guy behind us whining to his girlfriend or boyfriend about how much he misses him/her already--BARF and finally the French lady who's giving Janet Jackson the evil eye after she was caught ear hustling her conversation! Good times!  Looking forward to a FABULOUS adventure:)


  1. I'm excited to follow you ladies. Have a blast and be safe. Plus eat and drink lots.
