Sunday, June 23, 2013

Madrid, Spain

We arrived in Madrid and took a taxi to Anna and Sara's apartment. We freshened up and headed downtown for a Rick Steve's "Tapa Crawl." At the first stop, Jillian was scolded for portioning out the whole pitcher of sangria into our four glasses instead of pouring a little at a time to keep it cold.  Once they stopped poking fun, the tapas were the best we had by far! On our last stop the chef came out to greet us, had fabulous fried calamari and sangria. The staff at the bar gave us helpful advice for the rest of our trip and even comped us a whole pitcher of sangria. The next day we ventured out for a shopping extravaganza--(let's be real, our shopping quota has now been met for the rest of our trip.) We had a great lunch; a preview of what was to come in Italy. Then we headed home, freshened up and caught a flamenco show. The flamenco show was a major highlight of our trip so far. We've never seen anyone's feet move so fast; a true cultural experience. Next we frantically ran around town trying to find the famous churros and chocolate treat. The next morning we packed up and headed to the train station towards Barcelona. 

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