Friday, July 12, 2013

Athens, Greece.....The End

We had another long travel day, so rather then attempt the city's transportation system, we opted for a taxi.  We were reassured our 20-30 minute cab ride would cost us just €25, so we thought we'd found a sweet deal......unfortunately 20-30 minutes turned into almost an hour because our driver mis-read the name of our hotel when we showed him the reservation.  Of course he tried to get his boss to convey that it was just a mistake of poor English, but we weren't having it, we agreed to €35 since the distance was really more than we expected, but nothing more.  When we arrived at our hotel, he tried to get more out us, but we were on to him, we grabbed our bags first, handed him the €35 and walked away, while he argued something in Greek! At that point we were over it! Unfortunately, because of our delay, anything worth sight seeng was already closing, so we grabbed an American meal in a plaza close to our hotel.  The night was spent reorganizing our bags and gearing up for the 17+ hour travel day home.  It's been the trip of a lifetime! We saw so many beautiful places, drank great wine, ate delicious food and met some wonderful people! We feel grateful to have been able to enjoy such trip, but are also anxious to get home!

Unfortunately we had a four hour flight clay in when delayed one must drink:)

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