Thursday, July 4, 2013

Naples/Ischia, Italy

After already purchasing train tickets to Naples, we accidentally slept through our alarms, missing our we got up, got ready and headed to the train station.  We attempted to get on a train without having a ticket, in hopes that we would be able to buy one on our phones after leaving the station, but chickened out and got off! We planned to wait for the next train which was an hour later.  We got on, what we thought was our train, with seats apart from each other, only to find out we'd got on the wrong one.  Fortunately we were going to the same place and so only ended up paying a bit more for the ticket, but a least we made it!  We arrived at our hotel, where we found the nicest, most helpful staff! They directed us to the ferry port, where we took a boat to an island near Naples, called Ischia.  The boat ride was gorgeous and the island was also very beautiful.  We enjoyed a day on the beach relaxing and taking in the sun.  We were headed back to our ferry to take the last boat ride from Ischia and realized everyone else had already boarded the ship and they were about to leave. They saw us running to the boat and thankfully waited for us otherwise we would have been stuck in Ischia overnight.  The concierge at the hotel recommended a restaurant where we enjoyed two massive pizzas, the most delicious pizza we've had! We justified it, reminding ourselves, that the crust and dough of this pizza was WAY thinner, making it that much easier to finish both, just the two of us! HAHA! The next morning we were off to Sorrento on the Almafi Coast!

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