Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mykonos, Greece

To our surprise, our ferry arrived in Mykonos later than expected. Our hotel shuttle driver was a cute little Greek lady. She frantically told us all about the island on our way to the hotel.  After another long travel day with sweat and the stale ferry air we needed to take showers and freshen up before we hit the town.  We had traditional Greek cuisine and then headed toward the Scandinavian Bar, where we spent the rest of our evening/morning.  We made friends with a group of law students from Ireland.  We talked to them about "crack" (things that are fun) and shared multiple Irish car bombs. We then headed to the disco, where we had a VIP booth (thanks to our waiter from the downstairs connected bar). We danced on tables and partied until 5am. Our late night caused us to wake up at 2:00 in the afternoon. This translated to a perfect day a the beach to recover:). We got ck to town,  saw the famous windmills and then headed back to our hotel to get ready for dinner at Nico's Tavern. The food, beer and atmosphere were great, but the girl next to us was a bitch. She looked like a gypsy trash bag who was obnoxiously loud and mocked us. After a few dirty looks and ultimately telling her to shut up, we headed to another restaurant/bar where we had a fancy cocktail and then headed home.  The next morning we had breakfast and then walked around little Venice for some shopping. About mid-day! our hotel shuttle drove us to the ferry to catch our ferry to Santorini.

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