Saturday, July 6, 2013

Positano, Italy

After getting home at 4am in Sorrento we checked out at 10:30. We hopped on a bus to Positano. Jillian did not realize that the road to Positano would be a half an hour of windy coastal highway. Her tendency to get carsick got the best of her and she had to find the nearest toilet once we got off the bus (the hangover didn't help either).  Not knowing where to go once we had been dropped off, we stood in what we thought was a taxi line and a driver just happened to be passing by and he picked us up. He had never heard of our hotel so he had to call for directions. He, as we were, was astonished to find out that the nearest drop off point would leave us 400 steps (literally) down the cliff. We would soon learn that it was totally worth it. Fortunately the hotel offered a lift for baggage so that we could go empty handed down the 400 steps---hungover, 90 degrees, 400 steps not a good combo. Once we made it, the staff must have seen that we thought we were going to die so they immediately sat us down and offered us a drink on the house to help us feel better.  Due to our level of exhaustion we decided to take it easy and lay out on our private beach...ALL DAY!!! We enjoyed dinner at our hotel with a newlywed couple from Africa that we had met that day. We also watched a couple get engaged at a private table on the beach.  We got up early the next morning to venture on the private shuttle boat over the town of Positano.  It was raining, so there were far less people to compete with while putzing around the cute town.  We snapped many pictures and had lunch at 3Sisters Restaurant over looking the water. The rest of the day we enjoyed cocktails in honor of the 4th of July--it is our country's birthday what do you expect?! We got back to our hotel and frantically made plans for travel to the final country on our trip, Greece. This was a bigger ordeal than we expected, but things worked out thanks to our gracious host Sonia, who used the Internet and made many phone calls on our behalf--thank God for her! We were up at 4:00 AM, having to make our way back up to the 400 steps, to catch our driver to the airport in Naples to catch our flight to Athens!!

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