Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sorrento/Capri, Italy

We took a metro from Naples to Sorrento. There were three older Italian women that were talking about us because our luggage was large and it was taking up too much space. By the end of the train ride they had changed their tune and were our best friends.  Once we arrived at the Sorrento train/bus station we got into the cab only to have him laugh at us because our hotel was right around the corner. We laughed with him and walked to our hotel that was maybe 100 yards away.  We explored the town and made a spa appointment for the spa.  After walking around for a while, we needed shade because we were hot sweaty messes. Our waiter told us how beautiful we were despite the sweat dripping off of our faces. Next we headed to the spa and enjoyed a wine massage, swam in the pool, sat in the sauna and relaxed in the jacuzzi.  We were so relaxed after the spa, we stopped in the main square for dinner without any make-up and wet hair. We must not have looked to bad because our waiter gave us each two free shots of lemon cream-unique to the Sorrento area. We had an early night because we were headed to Capri the next morning. We caught the boat to Capri and then immediately got into a smaller to the blue grotto.  Although short and sweet, the blue grotto was a site to see. After the blue grotto, we walked around the town and found a good spot to lay out on the rocky beach. The first time Jillian got into the water, she broke her flip-flops and had to buy a new pair of obnoxious tourist sandals with Italia written all over them.  After Capri we took a shower and got ready and headed to dinner at the Marina Grande. After dinner we went to the Irish Bar; the owner/bartender seemed to remember Jennifer from her last trip to Sorrento.  We had a couple of drinks with the locals and were feeling sleepy, so started to walk back to our hotel. We then noticed the Kebab shop where some of the friends Jennifer met on her last trip, worked.  We headed in the Kebab shop had a few beers and caught up. We waited with a few of their friends until they got off work and then headed to the piano bar.  We had another late night until 4:30am. We frantically woke up after missing our alarm clock and having to check out by 10:30am. We then took a curvy bus ride up to Positano. 

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